#第76屆聯合國大會 下周(14日)即將開議,外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) 推出「#敬自由」(To Freedom)影片,呈現臺灣的自由與平權,讓聯合國看見臺灣價值。 影片呼應本屆聯大主題之一「#尊重人權」(Respect of the rights of people),展現 #臺灣是國際社會的良善力量,並且期盼與各國共同努力追求全人類的自由。
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Here, you can show your love without fear.
Here, men and women have the same rights and opportunities.
Here, different creeds and cultures live together in harmony.
Here, we reflect on the horrors of the past to build a better future.
Here, we listen to our people and put their ideas into practice.
Here, you can feel free to speak your mother tongue without shame.
Here, having a disability doesn’t hold you back.
Here in Taiwan, I’m free!💞