🧐大家知道嗎 ? 根據研究顯示,親子共讀有益於提升親子關係,對孩子的腦部發育、語言發展也大有幫助喔! 特別是在學英文的過程中,家長也可透過共讀的方式,用英語童書或兒歌練唱等方式,除了增加孩子的興趣外,也能培養英文語感和表達能力。 有鑒於此,#衛福部國民健康署 特別推出親子共讀推廣影片,鼓勵父母多陪伴孩子共讀,想知道更多共讀小技巧,一起來看影片了解吧😊 ➡ 影片傳送門🔗 … 更多https://youtu.be/Gj57fXpstVo ------------------------------------------------ Studies have shown that parent-child shared reading is beneficial to enhance the parent-child relationship, and it is also very helpful for children's brain development and language development. In the process of promoting the bilingual nation policy,
we encourage parents to gradually increase English story books or nursery rhymes time. And that will help to cultivate children’s sense of the English language and expression.… 更多