#防疫也能學英文 🔎 https://bilingual.ndc.gov.tw/
中央疫情指揮中心宣布7月27日起全國疫情警戒調降為二級。 小編提醒您,防疫仍需全體國民持續共同努力,外出應全程配戴口罩,繼續維持個人防疫好習慣:勤洗手、戴口罩並保持社交距離,落實防疫新生活,大家一起守護台灣,平安度過疫情(ง๑ •̀_•́)ง!! 更多資訊 🔗 www.cdc.gov.tw
CECC announced that… 更多 it would lower the epidemic alert to Level 2 from July 27 to August 9. Related details are listed below:
1.Masks must be worn at all times when outside except when consuming food and beverages.
2.Contact information registration measures must be implemented rigorously.
3.Social distancing must be maintained.
4.Crowd control in business and public areas: social distance of at least 1.5 meters in indoor spaces and 1 meter in outdoor spaces.
5.The maximum crowd size: under 50 people indoors and 100 people outdoors.
6.Places with dine-in services shall follow the Ministry of Health and Welfare regulations. More information 🔗 www.cdc.gov.tw/En