《創業圓夢Start-up Hub》整合中央到地方政府、以及民間創育組織的創業相關資源,每日提供新鮮的創業資訊補給。 歡迎籌備創業中的你,或新創企業,有創業問題就來找我們吧! 106 臺北市仁愛路三段99號
#創業專欄 誰說一定要順著客人,做些讓客人討厭的行銷 影響消費者除了商品或服務本身的優缺點,消費者的情緒也非常重要,除了正向開心的感覺,也有一些行銷會刻意營造負面或是難過的感覺。營造負面情緒的行銷多是強調少了這商品/服務時會產生的損失。以下內容分享一些劍走偏鋒卻令人印象深刻、造成話題的的負面行銷作法... ☎創業諮詢服務專線 0800-589168


  • Tony Hsu
    As Salaam,

    Many thanks for your correspondence, Kindly… 更多 furnish me with your Business Plan / Executive Summary and financial projections for preliminary assessment and if acceptable we shall proceed further with the funding modalities. All documents must be in English and funding requirements in USD / EUROS or GBP.

    Both parties will have a meeting at closing time and point, however i suggest we both proceed with business deliberation and negotiation as soon as both parties agreed with funding terms and condition we will the proceed with meeting location,date and time where we will also sign all the contract document followed by formal fund release to you.… 更多