國際活動場合說英文是對國際友人的尊重,說得好不好不是最重要,而是讓對方感到彼此尊重的善意。而且現場還有英文媒體,使用英文可以方便人家引述報導,也避免文字翻譯錯誤,尤其是涉及兩岸政治議題時,翻譯最容易橫生枝節。 #台美國會議員聯誼會致詞講英文
#英文台北時報準確引述 「Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Legislator Charles Chen (陳以信), one of the… 更多 caucus’ three vice chairs, said Hsiao would be facing great challenges in her new position... “I am happy to see that a stronger link has been established between Taiwan and the US in terms of security and politics in the past few years, but I hope that the collaboration could be extended into economic issues, including resuming negotiations over a trade and investment framework agreement and a free-trade agreement between the two countries. These are now on Hsiao’s shoulders,” Chen said.」