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Dr. WayneWang, Director General, Hsinchu Science Park Bureau, Addressed at "2020 Talk on Taiwan Career Higher Education for Indians" at National Tsing Hua University
竹科管理局王局長於10/26參加國立清華大學舉辦”2020… 更多 臺印文化及人才交流工作坊”並勉勵印度學子畢業後能到竹科尋找就業機會 To enhance understanding of Indian students or engineers regarding career market and future dreams to be realized at the Hsinchu Science Park, Dr. Wayne Wang, Director General, Hsinchu Science Park Bureau, accompanied by Mr. Scott Huang, addressed and gave a presentation at "2020 Talk on Taiwan Career Higher Education for Indians" at National Tsing Hua University in the evening on October 26, 2020. Local celebrities together with Presidents and representatives from… 更多