儘管如此,一些基本稱謂的學習是非常重要的,針對海外幼兒所設計的《小豆豆學華語》第四課〈小豆豆的家人〉:https://reurl.cc/qMMkq,教導孩子們學習幾種家人的稱謂及應用方式,同時還培養了聽音、說唱、認讀及寫字的能力呢!趕快點擊連結一起來看看〈小豆豆的家人〉數位互動教材吧! How to call… 更多 your family members in Chinese is really difficult for CSL students!
Although it’s difficult, learning some basic titles of the family members is very important!
Today, we are going to introduce a variety of titles and applications of family members by the material "Little Bean Learns Chinese". Students can also practice their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in this lesson!
What are you waiting for? Click the link to know about <Little bean's family>! https://reurl.cc/qMMkq