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為因應武漢肺炎(COVID-19)疫情,強化各項防疫及相關整備作業,即日起至109年4月30日止,本院北部院區實施週一休館,取消每日及週末延長開放時間,並暫停華語、英語、週末親子參觀導覽及張大千紀念館對外開放。 恢復時間視疫情而定,將參考中央流行疫情指揮中心相關指示再行通知。請隨時關注本院官網最新消息。造成您的不便,尚請見諒,感謝您的配合! In Response to the COVID-19 Epidemic, the Northern Branch of the National Palace Museum Will Continue Its Adjusted Opening Hours and All Guided Tours Will be Cancelled Until April 30, 2020.
To strengthen epidemic prevention measures and preparatory operations in response to the COVID-19 epidemic, until April 30, 2020, the Northern Branch of the… 更多