▍本會龔主任委員於3月8日(昨)接見英國在台辦事處新任代表鄧元翰先生(Mr. John Dennis)等一行5人 鄧代表此行係今年來台就任後首度至本會進行禮貌性拜會,雙方就我國淨零排放、離岸風電、雙語國家政策、全球供應鏈重組等議題廣泛交換意見📋 ▍龔主委表示,面對淨零排放的國際趨勢,我國將參考先進國家淨零排放路徑,規劃我國推動策略及路徑… 更多 感謝英方對政府正積極推動雙語國家政策,以提升專業人士英語力的工作,提供許多建議與協助。此外,我國將擴大與先進國家合作,以強化新產業供應鏈(如:電動車、自駕車、5G、六大核心產業等)的發展,未來台英雙邊有很多合作的機會🤝
▁▁▁▁▁ On March 8, NDC Minister Kung received Mr. John Dennis, Representative of the British Office Taipei, who made a courtesy call since taking this post in Taiwan earlier this year. During their conversation, various issues were discussed including pursuing the goal of net-zero carbon emission for tackling climate change, offshore wind power development, Taiwan’s Bilingual Nation 2030 policy and global supply… 更多
Fan Wei