國發會和教育部昨天舉辦最後一場雙語國家諮詢會議 聚焦在如何營造使用英語環境、提升公務人員英語能力相關議題。 與會諮詢代表均認同,除了雙語教育的投入外,創造使用英文之環境,將有助於國人在日常生活中,隨時隨地就能接觸英文,進而加速雙語國家的推動進程。 賴清德副總統在會後表示,經過4場諮詢會議討論,政府會將各方意見納入參考,研擬各項雙語策略,讓臺灣人才及產業持續接軌國際,實現蔡英文 Tsai… 更多 Ing-wen總統施政的目標。 The National Development Council and the Ministry of Education have held their final advisory meeting on the Bilingual Nation policy. The meeting focused on how to create an English-speaking environment and improve civil servants’ English capabilities. Attendees agreed that aside from investing in bilingual education, establishing an English-speaking environment would help Taiwan citizens be able to learn and use English in their everyday lives and speed up the… 更多