移民署 NIA, 台北市。 24,380 個讚 · 152 人正在談論這個 · 661 個打卡次。全國各縣市設有服務站,為民眾辦理入出國手續,並在各國際機場及各港口設有入出境旅客服務站;且為服務海外僑民,本署在海外設有二十八個工作組,辦理入出境諮詢、服務事項。
分享 NIA 署長室
生活中,我們總是圍繞在「選擇」的漩渦;<br> 從上班前,穿什麼衣服、配什麼鞋子、吃什麼早餐......<br> 到下班後,坐什麼公車、買什麼食材、看什麼節目......<br> 「選擇」,一直是我們每天所需要面對的課題。 對於執法人員來說,一直是以「執法」掛帥;<br> 看似無情及毫無選擇,事實上,卻是在「法」裡找尋「情理」的空間。 上個月底,一名外籍人士被人發現倒臥街頭,<br> 移民署臺南市專勤隊接獲醫院通報後,隨即前往探視。… 更多<br> 雖是失聯移工的身分,但因罹患氣喘,強忍不適繼續工作。<br> 我們得知他的處境後,主動聯繫社工、仲介公司及泰國貿易經濟辦事處,一同前往探視。 經過一段時間的休養,他已經在這個月上旬搭機返回自己的家鄉。<br> 上機前,他帶著久違的笑容,用眼神訴說著感謝。 移民署是執法機關,但不會忘記法裡容情的關懷!
  • BDurga Prasad
    Hello sir. I want to give information regarding… 更多 illegal many people staying in this address. If you will go to this address. You will find many people in this apartment on 4th Floor of this building. There are staying here from many years. In this address a person who brings all illegal people from India and give them illegal work. They all come down from they appartment at morning 7.55 am. And they will back to their room at 5.00 PM at evening. Sunday they don’t come out of they building. If your team search this apartment on 4 Floor of this building you will easily find a plenty of people. I attach they address and mobile number to your mail. This is one of they mobile number 0903403125
    Address : 239.新北市鶯歌區文化路324巷42之4號1樓,台灣。
    Address : 1F., No. 42-4,Ln. 324, Wenhua Rd., Yingge Dist., New-Taipei City 239,Taiwan (R.O.C)