【追蹤 #故宮IG 抽精品】⠀
IG小編挑選了超可愛又實用的故宮文創商品來 #抽獎 送給大家哦!⠀
1.追蹤「@national_palace_museum 國立故宮博物院」官方IG帳號⠀
2.在故宮IG的「粉絲贈獎活動」貼文下方 @你的兩名好友,邀請他們一起追蹤故宮IG⠀… 更多
#國立故宮博物院 #故宮 #故宮IG #故宮精品 #nationalpalacemuseum #npm #museum #taiwan #instagram #故宮抽獎活動 #抽獎活動 #抽獎文 #抽獎禮物 #抽獎進行中 #抽獎🎁 #抽獎抽獎 #抽獎活動進行中 #抽獎囉 #抽獎中 #抽獎辦法 #大抽獎 #ig抽獎 #ig抽獎活動 The National Palace Museum lottery drawing event is starting!
Event method
1. Follow the “@national_palace_museum” official IG account.
2. Tag (@) two friends at the bottom of the article and invite them to follow the National Palace Museum IG.
3. Share the article on your IG stories and mark @national_palace_museum (the account has to be set to public so the editors can see~)
Complete the above steps to participate in the drawing! ✨ Event period: 1/30 (Thursday)~2/9(Sunday)
✨ Event drawing date: 2/10 (Monday)