📢📢📢微軟新創加速器 第二期現正招募中!!<br> 微軟新創加速器擁有豐富的育成經驗,<br> 協助新創公司在營運、行銷、技術、銷售、市場等各面向快速成長。<br> 👋微軟新創加速器第二期,歡迎您加入,<br> 👉下載申請表: https://aka.ms/twmsstartups 🤔如果對於微軟新創加速器有任何疑問,歡迎您報名參加12/12日微軟新創加速器第二期招募說明會<br> 👉報名連結: … 更多https://aka.ms/startupsmeetup121201 📢📢📢Microsoft for Startups, Taipei Batch Two is Recruiting NOW!! Microsoft for Startups is supporting startups grow fast from the aspect including operation、marketing、technology and so on. <br> 👋Apply to join Microsoft for Startups, Taipei Batch Two<br> 👉Download Application Form: https://aka.ms/twmsstartups 🤔In addition, join us Dec 12th for a talk with us on the topic of how Microsoft for startups, Taipei helps startups to scale up and grow with us, worldwide. <br> 👉Event date: Dec 12th , Thursday 18:30-21:00 <br> 👉Location: Microsoft Taipei <br> 👉Welcome to sign up: https://aka.ms/startupsmeetup121201