在課堂中,遊戲時間往往是學生最喜歡的一環,但要不斷發想出許多新奇好玩的遊戲,也是老師們最頭疼的一件事吧! 這次要分享的是一個有趣的小遊戲「釣魚去」,此遊戲結合顏色與方位的練習, 再利用矇眼的方式增加刺激與困難度,看起來非常好玩呢! 點按連結,來看看這個遊戲是怎麼設計的吧!
「女神的華語教室-釣魚去」:https://pse.is/GJ3DL It’s the game… 更多 time!! This game called “fishing”. Students can use this game to practice the position words in Chinese. Teachers also can ask players to close their eyes. It’s more exciting in the game. Let’s take a look to know the details about the game! https://pse.is/GJ3DL