【突發:黃之鋒被捕】<br> 香港眾志秘書長黃之鋒於早上約7時30分前往海怡半島地鐵站途中,在眾目睽睽下於街道突然被推上私家車被捕。他現被押往灣仔警署總部,據聞共以三項罪名拘捕。我們會持續關注事件,已有律師到場支援。 【BREAKING: Joshua Wong Arrested】<br> Demosisto secretary general Joshua Wong was arrested at roughly 7:30 this morning en route to the South Horizons MTR station, when he was suddenly pushed into a private car on the street. He has now been escorted to the police headquarters in Wan Chai on the basis of three charges. We will continue to follow the incident. Our lawyers are working on this case.