蘋果王樹下雄雄悠閒乘涼<br> 介紹三大果王<br> (GPS: 24°14'43.8"N 121°14'47.0"E、24.245488, 121.246401 )<br> 農場辦公室前的蘋果王為農場的珍寶,亦是每位旅人蒞臨本場時必訪的景點。只因一顆蘋果樹上可同時發現43種不同品種的蘋果,實在是只有福壽山農場才有。樹上除了可長到一台斤重的世界一號外,更有櫻桃般小巧精緻的圓葉海棠,獨特的令人嘆為觀止。… 更多<br> 除了蘋果王外,在蘋果王另一頭的則是梨王與桃王,除了展現農場精湛的農業技術外,更是為了方便旅人們能夠認識蘋果、梨子與桃子的差異,並對蘋果、梨、桃有更多的瞭解。目前,蘋果王、梨王與桃王被統稱為福壽山三大王,遂將嫁接技術的精妙傳遞給眾人,讓眾人一同分享農業技術神奇的一面。 Three fruit King Trees<br> The “Apple King Trees” in front of the administration office are the most treasured asset of the farm. You will find that there are 43 species of apple on one tree at the same time, and it exists only at Fushoushan farm, which makes it the most famous sightseeing spot. In addition to “Sekaiichi”, one of the apple species, which is capable of… 更多