讓我們來看看新竹生物醫學園區,正漸漸改寫著人生,引領著未來 新竹生物醫學園區,歷經行政院核定生醫計畫,成立三大中心,與周圍產官學研醫等機構,共同形成「生醫科技產業聚落」, 並發揮地利優勢,與鄰近的新竹高鐵站、竹科 ICT 產業聚落等相互連結,發展為完善的生態體系,共同引領我國生醫產業進軍國際。 目前不僅已超過 50… 更多 家廠商進駐,創造了許多生醫產業高階人才就業機會,未來將藉由生醫產業聚落的磁吸效應,輔以三大中心的資源共享,新竹生醫園區將帶領台灣生醫產業, 邁向國際。 Under a master plan implemented by the Executive Yuan, the Hsinchu Biomedical Science Park (HBSP) comprises three centers, which became operational in 2019, works with government, industries, academia and R&D institutions in the vicinity to form a comprehensive biotech cluster.
More than 50 companies have started business at present.In the days ahead, the HBSP will draw on its magnetic force as a biomedical industry cluster and the resources of its three core centers to push Taiwan’s biomedical industry onto the world stage. #HsinchuBiomedicalSciencePark
# https://youtu.be/pMOesKwTNFc