您,就是他們未來20年的太陽🌞 這是個共榮的創新模式。經濟部推動「Buying power-社會創新產品及服務採購獎勵機制」,鼓勵各單位與社創企業合作,今年共有83家企業響應、採購金額達1.5億元 其中,台灣大哥大與台灣第一個綠能募資平台「陽光伏特家(綠點能創)」合作「種福電計畫」,選在屏東福慧大同之家的屋頂募款裝設太陽能板,並將躉電收入回饋社福團體… 更多 公司肩負社會責任(CSR)、社創企業實踐改善社會的理想、而社福團體,則因募款設置的太陽能板,獲得20年近千萬的躉電收入 更多社創採購案例➡ https://bit.ly/2zTTm7q You are their sunshine for the next two decades🌞. It reveals a multi-win and creative business model. “Buying power-awards for purchasing social innovative product and service” is a campaign held by MOEA to encourage companies to cooperate with social innovative entrepreneurship. This year, 83 companies have joined it and reaching almost NTD. 150 million order. For example, Taiwan Mobile Telecom, one of significant telecom… 更多