〈長物志〉 明 文震亨撰
明末葉刊本,國家圖書館珍藏 本書作於十七世紀初期。長,讀音為ㄓㄤˋ,「長物」一詞出自《世說新語》「身無長物」的典故,原指身外多餘之物。此處呈現文震亨日常所居、所見、所感的居所及用物,看似閑事餘物,卻處處可見韻味才情。 Zhangwuzhi (Treatise on Superfluous Things)
Written by Wen Zhenheng (1586-1645), Ming… 更多 dynasty
Late Ming imprint, Collection of the National Central Library This book was written in the early 17th century. The pronunciation of the character 長 in the title is the fourth tone of zhang, and the phrase zhangwu is taken from the quotation "Shenwu Zhangwu" in the Shishuo Shinyu (New Account of Tales of the World), meaning accessory personal belongings. The exhibits on view are meant to present what Wen saw, touched and lived by in his daily life. Trivial as they may seem, these object are nevertheless embedded with cultivated taste. ******************************
The Literati’s Ordinaries: A Proposal of Life from the 17th Century
展期(Date):2019/09/28 ~ 2020/01/05
陳列室:北部院區 正館 105, 107
Gallery: (Northern Branch) Exhibition Area I 105, 107
George Pien