國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2019年10月14日上午10:34 · 雅集就是古代的party!
雅集的規模可大可小,有精緻美味的佳餚,也會有吟詩、鼓琴、對弈、觀畫、品茗助興,更不用說宴會上即席揮毫和題詠了!天下第一行書〈蘭亭序〉即蘊生自東晉癸丑年(353) 暮春三月的一場盛會呢!策展人為大家呈現不同時空的雅集圖,歡迎大家也來感受這份風雅!
附圖是【宋 緙絲 謝安賭墅圖】… 更多
【Xie An Betting His Villa】Anonymous, Song dynasty (960-1279)
This hanging scroll tapestry takes the famous Battle of Feishui in 383 AD as its background. It records the story of how a prominent figure, Xie An, in the face of a major attack by enemy forces, retained his composure at a time of crisis while playing a game of Go. The painting shows two people in a luxurious… 更多