國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2019年9月17日上午10:12 · 上週三(9月11日)有幅 🌸梅花仕女圖(T字部位總是油油) 引起大家的討論和注意,其實這幅畫是有故事的…
Thus reads an excerpt from Hsü Chien's (659-729) On Beginning to Study. This painting is probably an illustration of the Shou-yang Princess story.… 更多
美人額間所裝飾的 🌸梅花形「花鈿」,似乎是整張畫中最引人注目的焦點。
Standing under an old plum tree, a beautiful young woman looks into a mirror to apply her makeup, adding a pluin blossom beauty mark to her forehead.
唐代徐堅的《初學記》曾記載,#南朝宋武帝(420-422在位)的女兒 #壽陽公主,某一日,在含章殿屋簷下休息假寐時,#剛好有朵梅花掉落到她的額頭上。
"The Shou-yang Princess, the daughter of the Liu Sung emperor Wu-ti (r. 420-422), was napping on the verandah on… 更多