One of the world's most iconic youth gathering—2019 Global Youth Trends Forum will be held from 9 to 10 November in Republic of China (Taiwan). ✅… 更多本次活動共有五大洲、26國、總計約350位青年一同參與盛會,🙋♀️
A total of 350 youths, from 26 countries on five continents, are invited to participate in the gathering and exchanges.
The main topics of the forum focus on Educational Creativity, Regional Revitalization, and Smart Living. 由行政院唐鳳政務委員主持專題座談,還有3位重量級與談人:日本知名社會企業Ridilover創辦人安部敏樹、肯亞智慧環保能源公司Brightgreen Renewable Energy創辦人Chebet Lesan,以及臺灣顧問企劃公司Plan b共同創辦人游適任,透過現場直播及Slido線上對談,打造數位對話。💬
Audrey Tang, Digital Minister at Public Digital… 更多