雙語大擂臺:教育電臺每天早上八點整播出雙語文教新聞,為了更加提升雙語文教新聞的編譯品質,廣徵各界雙語好手一同來找碴、切磋,看看以下雙語新聞您是否有更好的編譯方法: “ 準教育部長蔣偉寧昨天(1)上午拜會教育部長吳清基,吳清基稱讚蔣偉寧有執行力、有教育理念,對未來教育的無縫接軌他有信心;蔣偉寧則強調,十二年國教的推動時程維持不變,將在民國103年如期上路。
The minister of the Ministry of… 更多 Education newly appointed 蔣偉寧 visited the minister of MOE 吳清基 yesterday. 吳 praised his executive capability and conception toward education. He also felt confident of the connection of future education. 蔣 emphasized that the schedule for 12-year compulsory education will remain the same which will be put into practice in 2014 on time.” 更多雙語新聞:http://www.ner.gov.tw/index.php?act=culnews&culnews_category=19