國發會, 台北市。 104,096 個讚 · 445 人正在談論這個 · 1,088 個打卡次。國家發展策略運籌總部 2015年起,國家發展委員會(簡稱:國發會)將在facebook與大家互動,讓意見溝通與交流更為直接、即時,盼您和國發會一同集思廣益,為台灣擘劃方向。
The issuance of Employment Gold Cards has already topped 465! Today, we hosted an afternoon tea party for cardholders to share their experience of living and working in Taiwan. In the year and a half since the… 更多 Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals went into effect on February 8, 2018, more than 465 Employment Gold Cards have already been issued. That is a highly pleasing result! To show our government’s appreciation to card holders, the National Development Council (NDC) today hosted an afternoon get-together at which card holders were joined by representatives of foreign business chambers and representative offices, other promoters of this law, and government… 更多