廣播電台結合線上直播的歌唱比賽 - 空降美聲 The Next Cover Artist來囉!✨ 全台首創匿名、不露臉的「空降美聲 The Next Cover Artist」英語歌唱大賽! 冠軍除可獲得現金伍萬元及破萬好禮,還能上 ICRT 及 Asia Pop 40 接受專訪,讓全世界聽到你的聲音! 👉https://www.icrt.com.tw/app/the-next-cover-artist/
#ICRT… 更多 #雙語國家 #國發會 The Next Cover Artist is our brand-new singing contest!
The whole thing is anonymous and masked.
If you're obsessed with singing, you must register!
At stake: NT$30,0000 in prizes plus airplay on ICRT!
Register now: https://lihi1.com/4CkBj #NDC #BilingualNation2030