警光新聞雲, 臺北市。 93,392 個讚 · 517 人正在談論這個。邀請您共同加入、經營這個豐富有趣的園地,一起分享警察維護治安、交通及為民服務的點點滴滴......
高山天寒地凍,警察熱忱依舊~~ #天寒低溫上山請多注意保暖及安全
#執勤的學長姐們也要注意保暖喔~ https://www.facebook.com/1095838890432525/posts/3236061766410216?d=n&sfns=mo
分享 南投縣政府警察局仁愛分局
無論下雪❄️與否? 氣溫或許降到冰點<br> 但仁愛警👮👮🏻‍♀️<br> 守護治安、交通、為民服務的熱忱<br> 永遠暖暖的❤️ 2019.12.06 am 06:30(松雪樓0.5度) #低溫山區道路容易結冰 請小心駕駛<br> #即時管制資訊可洽埔里公務段<br> --------------------------------------… 更多<br> Whether it snows ❄️ or not? <br> Or perhaps the temperature may drop to the freezing point, <br> Ren-Ai police officers 👮👮🏻‍♀️ <br> always have passion for guarding the public order, traffic, and serving the people❤️ 06:30 a.m., Dec. 06, 2019. (0.5 degrees in Songxue Building) #Roads in the low-temperature mountain areas are susceptible to freezing, please drive carefully.<br> #Real-time control information, please contact with the Puli Works Section.
  • 警光新聞雲