國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2019年7月31日上午9:30 · 靜態的畫作,卻充滿動態的張力!
就像這張華嵒的 ‼️蛙戰 ‼️🐸
這幅清代 華嵒 寫生冊(二)… 更多 的【蛙戰】描寫了水塘一角,兩隻比較大的青蛙張口瞠目,準備對決。黃色青蛙的腹部下面,還伏臥著一隻幼蛙,彷彿受到母親的庇護。旁邊另一隻同樣黃色的幼蛙,正向母蛙靠近,似乎想加入這場戰爭。而對手綠色青蛙的身邊,也有一隻小蛙在鼓噪助威。看似靜態的畫面,卻瀰漫著無比喧鬧、緊張的氣氛…
Aquatic Creatures Moving at Eased 🦐🐢🍤🦀🐠🦈
Have you ever been to an aquarium? Aren’t all the fish, shrimp, turtles and other creatures there all so lively and interesting to see? Though people many years ago did not have cameras or smart phones, they still were able to capture and record these animals that make water their… 更多