🎶2018/19樂季重點提要🎵 【游昌發:《創傷與療癒》交響曲—致竹梅與菊蘭】 國臺交「交響臺灣」委託創作計畫將發表第五部作品,游昌發為摯友所寫下的交響曲《創傷與療癒》,深刻描繪了走出創傷的旅程。心靈的創痛並非只能等待時間沖淡,憑藉堅定的意志力與勇氣才能邁開大步迎向那片蔚藍天空。
《創傷與療癒》,不只獻給摯友,更是獻給歷史與生活在這塊土地的我們最好的禮物。讓音樂撫慰傷痛,引領我們走向更美好的明天。 ►購票去[Buy… 更多 Ticket] http://bit.ly/2PgsxQQ
►8/31前2018/19樂季【6折限時套票】 https://bit.ly/2LvaI1e
►8/31前臺北場【6折早鳥票】 -----------------------------------------
Hope After The Storm 2018/9/22(六)19:30臺中中興堂 Taichung Chung Hsing Hall
2018/9/23(日)14:30國家音樂廳 National Concert Hall (*2018/8/31前早鳥6折) 指揮/洪毅全
Conductor: Darrell Ang
Flute: Karl-Heinz Schütz
Kindsopran solo: Sean Sheng-Hao Cheng 【曲目】Program
J. Andersen: Concert Piece for Flute and Orchestra, Op. 3
J. Françaix: Flute Concerto
Chang-Fa Yiu: Vom Leidensweg zur Aussöhnung-Gewidmet Chu-Lan, Chu-Mei (Commissioned by NTSO for the “Symphonic Taiwan” project, world premiere) 【票價】Price
臺中場Taichung NT$300、500、800、1000
臺北場Taipei NT$300、500、800、1000、1500 (8/31前早鳥6折優惠) 音樂會訊息 http://bit.ly/2nVKKXz #NTSO #國臺交 #1819season #風雨後的那片蔚藍
Duoby Danier
May 1924 issue of La Revue musicale was a commemorative… 更多 featuring a supplement of pieces composed in honor of one of France's greatest poets by Ravel, Honegger, Caplet, and Delage. To this occasion we also owe Dukas' single extant song, a setting of Ronsard's sonnet "Ha! Bel Acueil, que ta douce parole," and that startling anomaly, Roussel's setting of Rossignol, mon mignonne for medium voice and flute. Far from being the gimmick this suggests, the combination exactly renders the sense of Ronsard's poem, the nightingale's blithesome descant as the lover complains that his beloved stops her ears to avoid hearing his songs -- "We sigh alike: Your sweet voice attempts To tell the affection of… 更多