【創業大冒險】熱騰騰的林口新創園國際合作發布會~~ 📣邀請國際新創夥伴及國內龔明鑫政委、林全能次長、何晉滄處長共同見證 國際合作發表大咖雲集,並由新創總會楊立昌總會長攜手世界台商總會和東協新創園,一起啟動合作!未來將在林口新創園持續合作、發光發熱!
✔️雙邊團隊招募 大咖夥伴名單都在這👇… 更多
🔥泰國True Digital Park主席Thanasorn Jaidee
🔥馬來西亞Malaysian Global Innovation & Creativity Centre (MaGIC)計畫經理Karsin Ng 【Startup Terrace International Cooperation Ceremony】 📣 #StartupTerrace International Cooperation Ceremony was successfully launched by gathering all our distinguished guests and partners today!!!
With the MOU signed by Chairman Li-Chang Yang (NiEA) and our ASEAN startup partners, this initiative created a reliable network to bridge collaborations between overseas Taiwanese enterprises and ASEAN startup ecosystem.
Together, we shall make Startup Terrace an inclusive playground for startups all over the world!!! Startup A-Team👇
🔥 Wang-Feng Yu - Chairman, World Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce
🔥Thanasorn Jaidee - President, True Digital Park, Thailand
🔥Karsin Ng - Program Manager, Malaysian Global Innovation & Creativity Centre (MaGIC)
分享 經濟部中小企業處
【創業大冒險】熱騰騰的林口新創園國際合作發布會~~ 📣邀請國際新創夥伴及國內龔明鑫政委、林全能次長、何晉滄處長共同見證 國際合作發表大咖雲集,並由新創總會楊立昌總會長攜手世界台商總會和東協新創園,一起啟動合作!未來將在林口新創園持續合作、發光發熱!<br> ✔️展會交流<br> ✔️空間串流<br> ✔️雙邊團隊招募 大咖夥伴名單都在這👇… 更多<br> 🔥世界台灣商會聯合總會游萬豐總會長<br> 🔥泰國True Digital Park主席Thanasorn Jaidee<br> 🔥馬來西亞Malaysian Global Innovation & Creativity Centre (MaGIC)計畫經理Karsin Ng <br> 【Startup Terrace International Cooperation Ceremony】 📣 #StartupTerrace International Cooperation Ceremony was successfully launched by gathering all our distinguished guests and partners today!!!<br> With the MOU signed by Chairman Li-Chang Yang (NiEA) and our ASEAN startup partners, this initiative created a reliable network to bridge collaborations between overseas Taiwanese enterprises and ASEAN startup ecosystem.<br> Together, we shall make Startup Terrace an inclusive playground for startups all over the world!!! Startup A-Team👇<br> 🔥 Wang-Feng Yu - Chairman, World Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce<br> 🔥Thanasorn Jaidee - President, True Digital Park, Thailand<br> 🔥Karsin Ng - Program Manager, Malaysian Global Innovation & Creativity Centre (MaGIC)