Classic of Chinese literature- The Journey to The West 今天要向大家推薦閱讀的是經典文學《西遊記》。… 更多
http://biweekly.huayuworld.org/index/2016/761?page=06#761-6-16 西遊記 (Xīyóu-jì),The Journey to the West , is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature.
The novel tells the entertaining story of the Buddhist monk Xuánzàng(玄奘) and his three disciples, Sūn Wùkōng (孫悟空,Monkey), Zhū Bājiè (豬八戒,pig) and Shā Wùjìng (沙悟淨), who set out on an arduous pilgrimage to India, where they receive Buddhist scriptures to… 更多