李貴敏, 台北市。 22,149 個讚 · 3,269 人正在談論這個。第8屆、第10屆立法委員、中華民國暨美國加州律師、中華民國仲裁人協會仲裁人、金典法律事務所所長、國立陽明交通大學兼任教授,曾任Baker&McKenzie法律事務所國際資深合夥律師
#中天 #第一家新聞台關台 #臺灣真有言論自由與新聞自由嗎
CTiTV has officially disappeared from television broadcast. Channel 52, popular amongst the public, has now become a blank screen. The unprecedented shutdown of Channel 52 has… 更多 been politically motivated given that the news station’s voice is not acceptable to the ruling party of Taiwan. In other words, CTi’s shutdown is NCC's ban on the freedom of press and freedom of speech in Taiwan. At this critical moment, we urge all people, including legal professional, to raise voices to fight against undue influence, and to seek justice as well as make a last stand for democracy. There is nothing more important than the fundamental rights of the constitution. No news… 更多
  • 陳有華