本會陳主任委員於3月28日(四)下午接見捷克布拉格市市長 Mr. Zdeněk Hřib(賀吉普)一行6人,並由捷克經濟文化辦事處副代表Ms. Dita Táborská(唐笛)陪同與會。雙方就我國產業政策、吸引外資策略、智慧城市等議題廣泛交換意見。賀吉普市長因關心布拉格市高房價問題,亦與陳主委就都市更新及住宅政策議題深入交換意見;雙方盼未來持續深化臺捷雙邊關係及合作。 The NDC Minister Chen… 更多 received the delegation of Prague City led by Mayor Mr. Zdeněk Hřib in the afternoon of Thursday, March 28th. Deputy Representative Ms. Dita Táborská of Czech Economic and Culture Office Taipei also joined the meeting. Various issues were discussed including Taiwan industrial policies, strategies of attracting foreign investment, and smart city, etc. Due to high housing price in Prague City, Mayor Hřib also had an in-depth discussion with Minister Chen on Taiwan’s urban renewal and housing policies. Minister Chen welcomed further cooperation with Prague City and a stronger bilateral relationship between Czech Republic and Taiwan. #國發會 #NDC #Prague