國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2019年5月27日上午1:00 · 今天 #2019/05/27 下午 13:30至14:00
屆時正在本院參觀的觀眾聽到空襲警報時,請勿進出大門,您可以繼續參觀,或依指示迅速疏散至避難地點。演習時間共30分鐘,不便之處請大家原諒!(圖片出處:華喦 野燒圖)
Letter to Tourists:
An anti-aircraft safety drill… 更多 will be held on May 27, 2019 from 1:30-2:00 PM. At this time the movement of people and vehicles will be regulated. Please make plans accordingly to prevent any inconveniences. If you are in the exhibition halls at the time of this drill, please continue your visit or head to a place of refuge as instructed. Please do not try and enter or exit the museum. The exercise will only last for 30 minutes.We apologize the inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation.