本會陳主任委員今日上午邀請區塊鏈業者、法人智庫、政府部門及立法委員,就整合產官學資源推動我國區塊鏈相關產業應用發展,及成立區塊鏈大聯盟等議題,廣泛交換意見。 Blockchain is the emerging digital technology that can be extensively… 更多 applied to a variety of fields such as public governance, finance, and agriculture, bringing revolutionary changes to future industrial development, and has been highly regarded by many countries.
This morning, NDC Minister Chen held a meeting to discuss and exchange opinions with representatives from industry, think tank, and government agencies as well as legislators on how to facilitate the development of blockchain related industries and the feasibility of forming a “Major League of Blockchain”. #國發會 #區塊鏈 #NDC #Blockchain