【回家的路,由你決定】<br> 移民署日前到臺北車站進行關懷移工活動,並宣導『擴大逾期停(居)留外來人口自行到案專案』與現場的移工講解專案內容,希望他們可以分享給周遭有需要的人。<br> 此專案已經進入倒數階段了 請有需要的人把握機會!! <br> 讓移民署幫你找到回家的路 #移民署 #擴大自行到案專案 #逾期停居留 #回家 #免收容<br> #防制人口販運(廣告) 【Choose a Better Way Home】<br> Recently, NIA… 更多 visited the Taipei Main Station to promote the campaign 『overstayers voluntary departure program』 while carrying out care toward foreign workers living in Taiwan. The afternoon was well spent as we sat down with them on the floor, listening to their stories living in Taiwan. At last, we introduced them about the benefits of this program, hoping they would pass this information to their friends and families. The last day of June is the program deadline. Take the chance to avoid further… 更多