水晶和韻號繼停靠花蓮後今天繼續造訪基隆港。自NYK 旗下轉至雲頂集團後,水晶品牌雖然仍以歐美高端市場為主要客群,造訪台灣的次數卻有增加。接下來的幾年水晶品牌仍陸續有新船預報造訪基隆,甚至有母港操作航程!
Crystal Symphony visited Keelung for her second port of call in Taiwan after calling Hualien. After shifting… 更多 to Genting Gruop from NYK Gruop, this brand does increase the number of calls to visit Taiwan though it still aims at the western passengers. In the following years, there will be new ships visiting Taiwan including the turnaround call.