Taiwan can help,and we are ready to help more. 俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭,美國朝野此時齊訪台,猶如1996年台海飛彈危機時鎮守台灣的兩艘航空母艦,為自由世界注入強心針。台灣是世界的台灣、民主自由的台灣,我們將致力於承擔起更多自由世界對抗獨裁的前線的責任。 We thank our visitors for showing great support for Taiwan… 更多 amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. We, the Taiwan Statebuilding Party, cannot express more gratitude for the visit of the U.S. delegation led by the former Joint Chiefs of Staff, Chairman Michael Glenn Mullen and the former Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, particularly during this precarious time when Ukraine is under Russia’s vehement attack. Your visit definitely shows great support for Taiwan's democracy and proves that Taiwan is a part of the international society. Taiwan can help… 更多