美國疾病管制署(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC) 公布了衛生環境最佳的13艘郵輪,以及較差的8艘郵輪,許多高端品牌(且曾造訪基隆港)的郵輪赫然在列!!
#迪士尼郵輪船隊4艘居然有3艘衝進前13可惜亞洲搭不到qq https://www.rd.com/health/cleanest-and-dirtiest-cruise-ships/
超連結 RD.COM
Cleanest (and Dirtiest) Cruise Ships, According to the CDC
Norovirus is the cruise-vacation souvenir no one wants to bring home—and that's only the tip of the iceberg. There's a reason you want to be on only the cleanest of cruise ships.