Saya mengucapkan turut berdukacita yang sedalam-dalamnya atas bencana gempa bumi & tsunami yang terjadi di Sulawesi. Kpd rekan-rekan dr Indonesia yg bekerja di Taiwan, jika ada kebutuhan darurat yg timbul… 更多 karena bencana ini, silahkan menghubungi nomor 1955 utk mengetahui prosedur ijin cuti kerja atau situasi terakhir di Indonesia. #indonesia
China’s elections are nearing the people’s disappointment. The… 更多 election is nearing the shorts to the world. I know that I am wondering that we are all people of the Republic of China. We know that Taiwan has been the richest and most powerful country in the cultural world for hundreds of years. I do not know? But what is the situation in Taiwan now? Taiwan has now become the world’s poorest and weakest country. The people of Taiwan have been overseas. They have been bullied by foreigners and abused by the people of the Republic like a slave in the mainland of Taiwan. The domestic legislators are against our government and look down on our people. . Therefore, the people of the Republic are… 更多