國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2019年4月22日上午8:48 · 國立歷史博物館現正閉館整建中,部分文物暫時寄存本院,在這次 #巨匠的剪影—#張大千120歲紀念大展 中,多件畫作便是來自史博館館藏,感謝館際間的合作,大家仍然可以不受影響地欣賞大千作品的風采!
【張大千 萱花】Day Lilies, 1965
Chang Dai-chien (1899-1983),
形式:鏡框,尺寸:60 x 45 cm
Framed, ink and colors on paper, 60 x… 更多 45 cm
Chang Dai-chien often liked to paint for himself day lilies and white cats, subjects that he used to express longing for his mother. This work done in 1965 features another form of artistic expression by Chang Dai-chien, the "boneless" manner of color washes. From the ink bamboo in the lower right to the slender blades of… 更多