恭喜!! 資穎以直落二擊敗對手何冰嬌, 第24場次的連勝贏得今年第四冠以及在馬來西亞公開賽的第三個冠軍! 謝謝各位 #穎迷粉 的集氣加油, 我們下周印尼羽球1000賽見。Yes, TTY did it! Great game! Congratulations on winning the title of Malaysia Open 2018 . TTY has shown what a fighter she… 更多 is. TTY won 4 consecutive titles this year, and the 3rd title here in the Malaysia Open. Thank you so much for your always gracious support and kind words. TTY's championship is not over. See you guys at Indonesia Open 2018 next week. ^^page admin