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【老鷹20年間的飛行軌跡】 這個地圖顯示的是一隻老鷹在20年間的飛行軌跡,牠在俄羅斯裝上追蹤器,最後在沙烏地阿拉伯死亡。從軌跡圖上我們發現牠的飛行路線、活動範圍都盡量在陸地上,避開海洋。 #笑傲飛鷹 #行程全都露 #HATE水上活動
分享 The incredible Dr.Gill──和 Nasir Sani 。
This map shows the movement of an Eagle over a twenty year period . It had the tracker fitted in Russia and it finally died twenty years later in the Valley of the Child in Saudi Arabia.It is very interesting… 更多 to see just how far this Eagle travelled over its twenty years of life and the great distances it travelled crossing many countries . Also what is interesting to note is the way in which it avoided crossing the sea .You can clearly see where it took the longest route just to stay flying over land.Many many species of birds spend their whole lives flying over the sea but one thing is for sure and that is that this Eagle certainly avoided crossing the sea.