🎉🎉🎉噹噹噹~久違的三輪會來囉~ 在2/19當天首先將迎來以歐美客為主的千禧輪,停泊於西16號碼頭。接著9點進港的是停泊於東2的鑽石公主,為今年度首趟多母港航程。 在明天早上的6點、8點都將有船陸續進港,因天氣因素停留在港內的寶瓶則將在今日下午5點轉停泊於西3碼頭,原本三3天兩2夜的行程也更改為4天3夜遊宮古-那霸,在2/22才會駛回基隆(原訂2/21的靠港取消)。各位船友們千萬別錯過~ #… 更多單日入出境人次又有機會破萬 Celebrity Millennium, SuperStar Aquarius and Diamond Princess will get together in Keelung on Feb. 19! Aquarius now stays at E2, and will transfer to W3 at 5pm. The berths and ETA tomorrow of the other two ladies will be W16 at 6am(Millennium) ,and E2 at 8am (Diamond Princess), respectively.
Besides ,the itinerary of Aquarius out of Keelung will be revised as a four-night journey to Miyakojima & Naha before returning on Feb.22. Let’s check it out!