國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2019年2月20日上午9:56 · 這幾天似乎逐漸暖和,開春第一季在書畫方面計有 #來禽圖—翎毛與花果的和諧奏鳴、#受贈名品展—廣東繪畫選萃、#筆墨見真章—歷代書法選萃,以及 #看畫讀畫—歷代名蹟選萃 正展出中,今天看的是「看畫•讀畫」展中的【蠶事圖】,圖中小女孩靠在母親腿上,專注著看著母親捲線,真的很可愛!
【傳 宋 劉松年 蠶事圖】Silk Matters
形式:冊頁 Album… 更多 leaf、尺寸:31.6 x 54.6 cm
Attributed to Liu Songnian (ca. 1150-after 1225), Song dynasty
This work, the third leaf from the album "Paintings by Famous Artists Through the Dynasties," was attributed in the past to the Southern Song painter Liu Songnian, but it differs from other accepted works of his that survive today. The… 更多