國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2019年2月20日上午4:37 · 新書櫥窗:《古人掌中書—院藏巾箱本特展》導覽手冊
New book: Books in the Palm of Your Hand: the Kerchief-box Editions in the National Palace Museum Collection
主編(Chief editor):許媛婷 Hsu Yuan-Ting… 更多
文字撰述(Written):許媛婷、宋兆霖、黃震南、鄭永昌 Hsu Yuan-Ting, Sung Chao-Lin, Huang Zhen-Nan, Cheng Wing-Cheong
翻譯:黃詩涵 Translated (from Chinese to English) by Huang Shi-Han
攝影(Photographed by):黃景彤、許智瑋 Huang Ching-T'ung, Hsu Chih-Wei
定價(Price):新台幣NT$ 1,200(ISBN:9789575628116)
裝訂(Binding):平裝(另附袖珍書及外盒)soft cover with the box
語言(Language):中英雙語版 Chinese & English
Description: https://www.npm.gov.tw/en/Article.aspx?sNo=04010584