【創業大冒險】銀髮輕鬆煮 當銀髮媽媽們遇上偶像「古錐師」郭主義師傅,會擦出什麼火花呢?
12/27(四)由社創中心、綠野農莊合辦的「銀髮輕鬆煮,健康樂活吃」活動,邀請到超過20位銀髮長輩來上課,當媽媽們看到偶像「古錐師」做菜,都高興得眉開眼笑!銀髮長輩們吃到古錐師做出來的🐔花雕悶雞和碎米雞丁🐔,更是讚不絕口!… 更多
#銀髮 #樂活 #古錐師 #社創中心 #綠野農莊 #中小企業處 #聯合國永續發展目標 #健康與福祉 【Cooking Class for the Seniors】 This Cooking class for seniors held by Social Innovation Lab and Green Grange aims to give people a healthier life. Senior people were extremely delighted when the big Chef, Mr. KUO, offered two samples of delicious chicken food. There are more than 20 enrolled in our cooking class. This class is featured with 360 LIVE and FB LIVE. The chef cooked two dishes and prepared them with the finest ingredients like domestic chicken.
Cooking Class for the Seniors will be held continually on March 27th, June 26th, September 25th and December 25th in 2019.