National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
|國際交流|Global Cultural Exchange Scroll down for English. 西班牙國際錄像節(Festival Proyector)總監Mario Gutiérrez Cru與製作人María Jañez來館交流!… 更多 在館長親自接待後,隨即由本館策展團隊代表,以及「後數位人類紀—國際科技藝術展」一展策展人邱誌勇教授陪同導覽。因貴賓來自數位藝術背景,因此除了參觀「後數位人類紀」之外,當然也少不了同樣精彩的「螢幕不滅(由曾鈺涓老師策展)」,以及館內同步展出的各類影像、互動裝置、電子機械等作品。 Welcome and glad to have our special guests from Spain, the Director and Producer of Festival Proyector: Mario Gutiérrez Cru as well as María Jañez! After a short meeting with Director of NTMoFA, our in-house curatorial team accompanying the Prof. Chiu (who is also the co-curator of Post-digital Anthropocene that is on now in the museum) led a guided tour through the exhibition halls. Besides been given an introduction on… 更多