國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2019年1月21日上午10:49 · ❒ 古人掌中書/❒ 大書配小書
Kerchief-box Editions for Traveling Literati
當各種開本尺寸不一的書籍展示於前,讀者會產生什麼樣的視覺觀感?其實書本尺寸或裝幀形式,往往是書籍視覺美感的決定因素,也可能是讀者購藏與否的考慮重點。… 更多
Qianlong Nanxun Jichengtu
(Narrative Painting of Emperor Qianlong's Southern Inspection Tour)
Manuscript and illustrations, Qing dynasty (1644-1911)
Kerchief-box Editions for Traveling Literati
What was contained in the kerchief-box editions available at book shops, the small booklets in scholars' hands, and the small-sized editions made for the emperors? An… 更多