My name is Isha Borkar. I study journalism at City… 更多 University London. For a project, I will be writing a news piece on the virtual reality system created by National Taiwan Normal University to help people escape building fires, especially in relation to the fire in Kaohsiung. I kindly request you to do an interview with me for this project via any medium that you are comfortable with. We have been given only 4 days to complete this project, which is why I sincerely request you to respond as soon as possible.
Thank you very much. Regards,
Isha Borkar
Tentative questions:
How did the fire start in the building in Kaohsiung? What exactly happened?
Could the number of deaths and injuries be avoided?
What safety protocols were missing that could have been included?
National Taiwan Normal University has created a Virtual Reality technology to help escape fires, how helpful do you think that will be?