為了彌補觀眾無法在 國寶再現 陳列室看清楚書畫文物的遺憾,展間外安排了4K電視播放文物影片,照例地,facebook的粉絲們也是要看的!本片是【宋人 冬日嬰戲圖】,詳細的畫作賞析內容請看:https://bit.ly/2Snxc4f<br> #貓咪的毛髮好清楚 #小孩的裝扮好華麗<br> ********************************<br> 【Children Playing on a Winter Day】… 更多<br> Anonymous, Song dynasty (960-1279)<br> Hanging scroll, ink and colors on silk, 196.2 x 107.1 cm<br> Provisionally classified by the National Palace Museum as a National Treasur<br> Plum and camellia are in full bloom by a Lake Taihu rock in a garden and highlighted by bamboo and orchids to make for an elegantly beautiful scene. A young sister and her little brother decked out are holding a peacock feather and colored pennant as they focus on teasing a little kitten to the side. The artist rendered… 更多